Friday, April 18, 2008

well this is new....

this picture is kind of old, but kind of cute. even though i look like my head is ginormous! it's because i was in front......i haven't added new pictures in i don't know how long, so this is about as close as your going to get. it's because we haven't taken pictures in i don't know how long.

well i've decided i'm going to start a blog. i don't know why because i know i will never keep up with this thing, but oh well! i think this might be fun! i'm glad i decided to start this while i'm planning a wedding, i'm going to have oh so much time :)

this is a little bit confusing for me, so i'm going to try my best to get this the best! this may be fun to look at in a few years after this wedding is planned (and paid for! ha)

alrighty, more figuring this thing out.